Monthly Archives: March 2022

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 2022


The Meeting was held via Microsoft Teams on 25 January 2022


  • Professor Sir John Curtice, President
  • Nick Moon, Secretary/Treasurer
  • Simon Atkinson, Management Committee
  • Kieran Kunaria, Stack
  • Anthony Wells, YouGov
  • Bill White, LucidTalk
  • Owen Thomas, Yonder
  • Chris Hopkins, Savanta ComRes
  • Luke Taylor, Kantar Public
  • Martin Boon, Deltapoll
  • Damian Lyons Lowe, Survation
  • Adam Drummond, Opinium
  • Seb Wilde, Public First
  • Ivor Knox, Panelbase
  • Gregor Jackson, ICM
  • Justin Ibbett, Focaldata
  • Gideon Skinner, Ipsos MORI
  • Martin Baxter, Electoral Calculus
  • Chris Holbrook, findoutnow

1.  Apologies for absence

Robert Struthers, BMG

2.  Minutes of the last AGM

The minutes were approved
There were no matters arising that were not already on the agenda

3.  Officers’ reports

Financial report

A written report was supplied in advance of the AGM.

During 2021 we received £4,750 in subscription fees, mostly representing 2021 subs. £1,300 subs remain outstanding from 2021, and we have £200 owing to creditors.

Expenditure during the year was £336.66, almost all of which was for website expenses

The bank balance at the end of 2021 was £21,280.18.

With the current membership annual subscription income is £3,600.

Disclosure issues dealt with by the officers

There was one complaint received during the year that fell within the BPC remit, concerning a survey conducted by a Member for a government department. A minister had quoted a finding from the survey, and the BPC received a request for conformation from another party that in line with BPC Rules details of other questions on the same subject also needed to be released. Sir John wrote to the department explaining the Rules, and following this the department duly released the required data.

Membership applications dealt with by the officers

Two new members were approved since the AGM: findoutnow and Electoral Calculus.

Demos have recently announced they are leaving the BPC.

We currently have 25 members.

Two membership applications are nearing completion.

Web and social media report

A written report was supplied in advance of the AGM. SA outlined the significant overhaul of the website that had taken place during the year, to remove duplication and make information easier to find.

He also reported that the Twitter account has passed the 1,300 followers mark, and reminded members of his general policy of tweeting information rather than starting or joining debates. The list of BPC Members has been tweeted so people can follow each Member if they wish.

4.  Appointment of the officers

All three Officers were reappointed for a further year

5.  President’s report

Report had been distributed to members.

JC said members were mostly excellent at getting the required information on their websites within the prescribed periods, and thanked them for this.

One of the biggest achievements of the year was the online Journalists Training Scheme, which was developed by the BPC in collaboration with the MRS and the National Council for the Training of Journalists, and was running by the end of the year. The course is free and some 30 people have already started the course.

The Officers did investigate Indemnity Insurance, as suggested by Lord Lipsey, but decided that the costs could not be justified given the activities that the BPC engages in.

6.  Proposed changes to the Rules and Guidance

NM proposed, and SA seconded, the following changes to the BPC rules and guidance:

Add new Rule 2.7:

Whenever it is practical to do so, members should endeavour to check the accuracy of the polling figures in any initial publication by a client of the results of one of their polls 

This was approved new con.

  • Note: a new statement of guidance on what information Members should supply about their methodology (as circulated before AGM).

Some concerns were raised about practicalities and JC proposed a minor addition to the text to address these concerns. Members were happy for the document to be noted following this redraft.

7.  Any Other Business

JC thanked NM and SA for their work during the year, and thanked members for meeting the Rules and being responsive to requests.